Underground House Music Comes To East Idaho – #WeOutHere

Words cannot describe what I felt at 2am on March 16th, 2025. The last beat of Darqness’ last song faded away as the The Gem’s house lights began to burn. The Awakening was over. 5 months of preparation, sacrifice, hard work, and the social media posts. Oh, god, the social media posts…

I am of the firm belief that this show was a complete success. Did we sell the club out? No. Not even close. Did we get a good turnout? It was decent. When we combine online ticket sales, physical ticket sales, and door sales, over 110 people paid to come and see Discognition, Darqness, Sensei The Beast, N.S.Z., and myself. That is actually very surprising to me. I didn’t know we had even 30 people in Idaho Falls who were into house music, let alone 3 times that many.

With The Awakening, I have found my house people. My underground house people. My techno and electronica people. MY people.

Discognition and The Idahoan
Discognition and The Idahoan at The Awakening – Image courtesy of Brian Tracy Arts

And, I guarantee that there are way more house music lovers here. The Awakening proved to me that there is a hunger for this music in east Idaho. You can bet your ass that I will be brining more of it. #WeOutHere

Thank You For Believing In Me

To my fans, followers, audience, devotees, and supporters – Thank you. Thank you so much if you came to The Awakening with Discognition on March 15th, 2025 at The Gem on 1st Street in Idaho Falls. Your attendance at my very first solo produced and promoted party will never be forgotten and will always live in a very special place in my heart. I love each and every one of you more than I can express. I do this for you.

The next biggest thanks goes out to my family – Christy, Tallia, Carter, Tara, Benton, Mom, Dad, Brad, and Julie. Without these poeple right here, The Awakening could not have happened. They provided financial, physical, and emotional support – more than anybody else could have (or would have, for that matter). From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! I love you all so much! Steph and Holly, THANK YOU for the support!

Eliah – bro. Again, you are at the top of my list for a reason. 40 years of friendship and unwaivering support. Thank you for working the door and checking IDs. You are the best, man. I love you!

Brian, Bee’s Knees, The Gem, Devon, Mary, Jake, Carlos and security staff – my home base, my second home, my home away from home… Thank you all for being the infrustructure for such great parties and experiences. I love you all from the bottom od my heart. Thank you for letting me bring my frinds to The Gem to let it all hang out.

Brian Tracy – Dude. Your value in the community is extreme. Thank you for everything you do. If ANY of us make it, you can be sure to know that your art had a hand in it. Thank you for everything you do man.

Tammie and Eric – You two are absolute units. The amount of support you give to the community is legendary. Thank you both for all of your help with everything.

Jackie and Josh – you made the stage look amazing. The entire vibe of the event was established with your beautiful set design. Wow. I cannot thank you enough for what you did. Simply magical.

Daze – thank you for the great plug for merch! I sold almost $100 worth that night. You the man.

Eddy – the first time I ever heard you play, I knew you were one of my people. Your own productions are excellent and your passion is strong. I knew I had to book you for my very first house show. Your opening set was PERFECT! It set the vibe nicely. You certainly know how to build a set. I have a good feeling that we’re gonna do some cool shit together.

Eddie – lots of DJs I meet tell me “I can play house.” But you, fella. YOU can play house. And when you were driving 2 hours from Twin Falls just to hopefully get a 30 minute slot on our open deck nights, you proved to me that you want this. That’s the kind of passion that gets DJs into my house shows. I can’t wait to party with you again. You are one of my house people. And that set, bro… I was worried about following it up…

Darkman – I have been aware of you for a couple of years. I have seen your social posts here and there and when acquaintances shared or liked posts that we were mutually interacting with. When I put out the feelers for DJs for this show, you were among the first to get me an audition mix. I didn’t need to get 15 minutes into it before I knew you’d be perfect for the show. THANK YOU so much for making that long trip to Idaho Falls to play. And I’m certainly happy that I was able to get you on The Gem’s stage for the first time! It certainly won’t be the last.

The Idahoan and Discognition at The Awakening in Idaho Falls, ID
Discognition and The Idahoan at The Awakening – Image courtesy of Brian Tracy Arts

Chad (Discognition) – I think the most exciting thing about all of this is that you were instrumental in showing east Idaho what real underground house music looks and sounds like. Nobody in Idaho Falls knew who you were before March 15th. And now you have a fan base here. One that I will continue to grow so that the next time I bring you to The Gem, you’ll be playing in front of a dance floor full of family. Chad, I cannot begin to thank you enough for coming to Idaho Falls and doing what you did for us. We needed you more than you know. And thank you for bringing Jenn with you. The both of you are angels and Christy and I are delighted to be able to call you both friend and family. The Gem is a better club now that you have played in it. That’s just a fact. Brother, I am so thankful to have met you. I can’t wait to do it again.

The Atlantic Progression Family – THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your continued support and your belief in me. I think about all of you each and every day and you all are the mortar that holds the whole foundation together. Without you, there is no Atlantic Progression.

Chad and Chad
Chad and Chad

And thank you, Chad (The Idahoan). You made you proud.

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